Has Hail Damaged Your Home’s Roof?

roofing help in or near Roy, WA

Serious storms can significantly impact your home’s health. The worst of the worst often comes in the form of large hail, and that hail can mean trouble for your roof. You may be wondering if your home is suffering from hail damage, and you may be wondering what to do about it. If you or someone you know is looking for roofing help in or near Roy, WA, you should know that professionals in your area are prepared to take a closer look at your roof and even provide you with a free estimate. That may be essential to doing the right thing for your home and for your family.

In the meantime, you may wish to take a look at your roof and determine whether or not it is indeed worth getting in touch with an expert. While it is generally better to be safe than sorry, you likely don’t want to waste time unless your roof has a real need. Here are some things to look for.

First, you may want to perform a very cursory inspection from the ground. You may or may not be able to notice any damage right away. Sometimes you will see gutters that are either dented or seriously bent. This is a giveaway that there is likely additional damage to the roof itself. If you wish to inspect your own roof more closely, you may have to actually get up there yourself. Note that this can be dangerous, and you may wish to have an expert come in at this point instead—especially if you determine there to be any additional damage simply by looking at the roof from the ground. Things like chimneys, skylights, vents, and of course shingles may be seriously dented or even cracked and broken. If you see anything like this, it is a good idea to call someone.

You may also notice that your home is leaking after or amid a serious storm. This means there is a very high likelihood that something is wrong with your roof. Unless that leak is being caused by something inside the home, chances are your roof is allowing water into the home. This is no laughing matter. In addition to the immediate inconvenience, that moisture can seriously damage structural elements of your home and cost you serious money in the long-run.

Hail damage isn’t at all unusual. And it isn’t something you can ignore. When your home has suffered hail damage (or when you believe there is a strong chance it has sustained hail damage), it is a good idea to reach out to someone with a great deal of professional experience. That will assure you some answers and the essential information that you need to make the right decision for your home. This is no time to risk it, even if the damage seems somewhat minor at first glance. There could be more serious problems at stake.

If you are interested in roofing help in the Roy, WA, area, consider reaching out to Clear View Exteriors LLC. We have seen plenty of hail damage in our day, and we know exactly what to do. You can visit us at 103 E Yelm Ave, Yelm, WA 98597 or place a phone call to (360) 400-1800.

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